Indus Valley Civilization MCQ

41.  Largest number of sites found in post independence lndia in

42. Which was the most frequently depicted animal during Harappan period?

43. A granary outside to citadel was found at

44. In which of the town both citadel and lower town were fortified?

45. A seal depicting, Mother Goddess with plant growing from the womb has been found from

46. The world’s first tidal pact has been observed from which Indus site?

47. Cylindrical seals of Mesopotamia have been recovered from which two Harappan sites?

48. Which of the following about burial practices of Harappa is incorrect?

49. Match the following

List l    List II
A. Kalibangan 1.Gujarat
B. Dholavira 2. Punjab
C. Banawali 3. Rajasthan
D. Ropar 4. Haryana

Below options are given in A B C D order

50. Match the following

List l    List II
(Harappan Settlement) (River)
A. Lothal 1. Indus
B. Kalibangan 2. Sutlej
C. Ropar 3. Ravi
D. Harappa 4. Ghaggar
E. Mohenjo-Daro 5. Bhogao

Below options are given in the A B C D E order

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