Our vision
Education is the catalytic tool that can transform the future of our youth. Approximately half of the India’s 1.3 billion people are under the age of 26 and by 2024, it is forecast to be the youngest country in the world, with a median age of 29. Our vision is educate people and help them to shape their dreams.

About Us
Greetings to Everyone!
Hundreds of government job examinations, conducted annually by the various agencies like UPSC, state PSC, SSC etc. these are gateways to get associated with the Government jobs in India. With lakhs of aspirants aiming for the coveted positions, the competition has become quantitatively tougher. This has led to the thousands of sources mushrooming – both online and offline, claiming to offer the road map to crack these examinations. In an era of such information overload, aspirants often tend to get confused and lost in the clutter. We, the team JOBGOGY, have long felt the urge to simplify and streamline the information, especially regarding current affairs.
Thank you!